Latest Comments
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Bolivian Nacimiento accepted for Christmas Creche
What is a crèche?
Whether called the French crèche, the Italian presipio, the German krippe, the Spanish nacimiento, or the English crib, the depiction of the nativity scene is one of the oldest and most beloved Christmas traditions. A crèche is a three-dimensional artistic representation of the birth of Jesus. While focusing on the central figures of the mother Mary and the Christ Child, crèche artists often telescope time and place to bring together a host of earthly and heavenly participants - shepherds, animals, angels, wise men, and commoners. ... from
Monday, November 3, 2008
Princess Zara makes her debut!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Winnie's Travel Blog: Meltdown in Iceland
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Winnie's Travel Blog: Vietnamese restaurants in Melbourne
Friday, October 24, 2008
What is the true Warranty Expiration Date of a product?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
ACSian High Finance Comments: Bar Stool Economics 2: How the Taxes REALLY Works
ACSian High Finance Comments: Bar Stool Economics 2: How the Taxes REALLY Works
ACSian High Finance Comments: Our Tax System Explained: Bar Stool Economics
ACSian High Finance Comments: Our Tax System Explained: Bar Stool Economics
Contaminated Milk Products
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
ACSian High Finance Comments: el blog de la sourdough: Forrest Gump Explains Mortgage Backed Securities
ACSian High Finance Comments: el blog de la sourdough: Forrest Gump Explains Mortgage Backed Securities
Monday, October 20, 2008
Comments on the Global Financial Crisis - Linda Lim
consideration of whether we are entering a new age of greater caution and prudence, and the role of Credit, Credibility and Political Creed.
Shedding Light on the Factors
Reversal of Fortune
New era of caution and prudence?
Credit, Credibility and Political Creed
Friday, October 17, 2008
ACSian High Finance Comments: Buy American. I am - by Warren Buffet
An article forwarded by an ACSian where the Oracle of Omaha says he is buying equities.
Guess Who and Where? Singapore Satay on Sale
A photo with one of our cohorts selling Satay and other items many years ago. Guess Who? The other person is a public figure in Singapore. Please enter answers using the comments link. Extra credit for identifying where.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
"ACS Echo" - "A" Level Class of 68's 40th Anniversary
The ‘A” Level Class of 68’s 40th Anniversary celebrations held at The Churchill Room of The Tanglin Club on 9 August (Singapore National Day) was attended by more than 50 members of the cohort.
Among those present were 7 schoolmates who flew in from as far as the USA, Qatar and Australia to join the celebrations, and former teachers and principals.
The occasion was a joyous and entertaining one with performances by Andrew Liew, Noor Quek (our very own Anita Sarawak) and Irene Hoe (of Sugar & Spice fame).
Another highlight of the evening was the virtuoso performance in ballroom dancing by Shahid Mujtaba from San Francisco, USA. He was in so much demand that ticket numbers had to be allocated to the girls queuing up to dance with him!
Apparently impressed with his star ‘nerd’ pupil, Mr. Wan Fook Weng remarked ‘this is what a foreign education does for you!”
The complete article together with photographs is available here
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
ACSian High Finance Comments: We Are Facing an 'Inflation Holocaust': Jim Rogers
"The way to solve this problem is to let people go bankrupt," Rogers said.
ACSian High Finance Comments: We Are Facing an 'Inflation Holocaust': Jim Rogers
Sounds pretty unpleasant. What do others think?
Sunday, October 12, 2008
ACSian High Finance Comments: Financial Engineering: A Primer on SubPrime Mortgages
ACSian High Finance Comments: Financial Engineering: A Primer on SubPrime Mortgages
ACSian High Finance Comments: All That Money You've Lost - Where Did IT go?
it is a little tough to swallow...
ACSian High Finance Comments: All That Money You've Lost - Where Did IT go?
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
[ACSians] Launch of ACSian High Finance Comments Blog
Given that so many of our cohorts and classmates are in the banking, finance and economy related businesses, comments and articles from all are welcome - I believe the comments reflected make more sense than the testimony of the CEOs of some of these high flying companies to US Congress. You may choose a pen name, your real name, or remain anonymous.
The Other Wall
No Starbucks in BA
Sunday, October 5, 2008
World's richest country it may be with a per capita GDP of US$76k (compared to US$24k back in the old kampong), but it is desperately short on creature comforts and not exactly known for its vibrant night life. In fact the raunchiest thing one could get up to in Doha is to tune into Fashion TV. why did we choose this land of sand to languish in when there is the south of France? For me, it is the excitement of building something new in a strange land. Death is maintenance, boredom is repetition , and sameness is suicidal. While life in Doha is suicidly boring, I get my kicks as midwife and proud parent to a spanking new baby bank. After all, how many new banks are being born (versus biting the dust) these days anywhere in the world amidst these new hard times? The business action, if not the night life, is here in the Middle East, at least for next couple of years.
"No man shall languish alone." Not sure which bard or bird uttered those pathetic words, probably me. I learnt through the avalanche of emails preceding our 40 Years On reunion that I was not the lone languishee in this land of sand. The fateful discovery of alternative life conversation went something like this:
"Josh (Joshua Choo), is that really you?"
"So what are you doing here?"
"Opening a new restaurant"
"Really, where?"
"At West Bay"
"Really! I stay at West Bay. Where exactly?"
"At Ezdan (an apartment complex in Doha) Tower 3"
"...(screaming) Gosh Josh, I stay at Ezdan Tower 3 !!!"
So it came to past that Josh and I reunite forty years on in a strange land at a time in our lives where most people prefer sipping tea or sashaying down the Champs Elysee.
No not us .
Still crazy after all these years.
If you are ever in our neck of the woods (or sand bank to be more exact), accomodation is guaranteed at my pad, so is access and availability to good wholesome Singapore food. There is one catch though, you will have to share my room with my balls (golf) and clubs (golf, what were you thinking!).
No doubt off the beaten tourist trap as tourist traps go but Doha is worth a visit 'cos you get to kill two old birds with one stone or sand pebble. So while the streets may be dusty (ok, ok very dusty with all the construction going on), they are paved with oil and gas. Opprtunities abound but are elusive like the shifting sands. Growth sectors include real estate and construction, financial services and tourism (yes, tourism).
Like the Great Gatsby and Mas Selamat, we languish on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past. And so we beat on until one day ...
we fly higher, run faster, stretch farther.
Friends and fellow languishees wherever you are:
The Best Is Yet To Be
"No man shall languish alone"
.....posted on behalf of Andy Liew
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Links to Singapore Grand Prix
"Formula One Racing held its 800th race on Sunday in Singapore,with the Singapore Grand Prix - also the first Formula One race held at night. Organizers built, then lined a 5 kilometer track with over 1,600 lamps, said to be four times brighter than those used at football stadiums. Twenty drivers drove 61 laps for a total of 309 kilometers at speeds sometimes approaching 300 kilometers per hour - in a country that once banned the sport, in part for promoting reckless driving. Driver Fernando Alonso of Renault won the race with a time of 1:57:16.304."
- September 29, 2008
Singapore the big winner in first night grand prix
- September 29,2008
Singapore hopes F1 will rev up economy
- September 29,2008
2008 Singapore Grand Prix
- Wikipedia Entry
And from Singapore based websites...
Singapore Grand Prix
Thursday, September 25, 2008
White Rabbit
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Interlaken, Switzerland
Febo's Travel Blog: Wandering Along The Jurassic Coast - May 2007
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Febo's Travel Blog: Our Big Rollabout - September 2007
Febo's Travel Blog: Our Big Rollabout - September 2007
Missing in Action
Mirza reported that one of our Arts classmates said she wasn't attending because this was a "science students' party". It wasn't. But it nearly became one. So the turnout was Science A 47%, Science B 29%, Science C 42%, Arts A 12% and Arts B 8%. [official stats here]
Among those who did attend, instantly recognizable was Arthur Cheng, still handsome and trim with no apparent greying (or was it hair to dye for?).
Among the very nearly unrecognizable was Vivekananda, now with perfectly white hair.
And the women? The women looked fabulous. Count Geh Min,. Fang Ai Lian, Mary Seet, Evelyn Tan and Ang Lian Hua among the ones who could step right back into their school uniforms and still look the part. Darn!
Mary Seet made a late entrance, after attending the National Day Parade, embraced Arthur Cheng. enthusiastically, and declared for all to hear: "Arthur! My first boyfriend!!!"
Her other ex, Eric Nagano, wasn't around to get jealous. .
Edward d'Silva and Kwan Wai Meng were among those who signed up but didn't show up. There was one empty table and seemed to be several others with empty seats. Alamak, why like dis lah!
If you didn't come to the reunion, it was actually two parties you missed.
Mirza had invited the organizing committee plus spouses and all the overseas contingent to his home for dinner the following night.
On Saturday night at the Tanglin Club, he continued issuing invitations. So most of the gang ended up poolside at his house in Bukit Timah on Sunday night. Even Wai Meng showed up (from his house next door) when almost everyone had left.
So he also missed the hipswivelling, pelvic thrusting, madly gyrating performance of the Class of 68's own minstrel Andrew Liew, who was persuaded to get his guitar out of his car boot and let 'er rip.
Yep, the boy's still crazy after all these years. Andrew's busy establishing an ACS Class of 1968 outpost in Doha, Qatar, with Joshua Choo. Doha? Think sand. Lotsa sand. Think sun. Think 45 deg C heat.
Post reunion note: Andrew, on his return to Doha, had dinner with Joshua (who runs Palm Beach Restaurant there).
Joshua cooked and Andrew ate, we are told. We have it on the most reliable authority that Andrew is as hopeless in the kitchen as he is fun at a party.
Hope to see you at the next one.
originally provided Aug 22, 2008 but not uploaded
Monday, September 22, 2008
Maggie Mason in swimsuit

Featured: Winnie, Maggie and Sylvia during ACS FunFair 1968 when trying to raise funds for a new Olympic sized Swimming Pool at Barker Road, which alas, we did not get to enjoy while we were there. This prized and treasured photograph was in Winnie's personal collection, and has been scanned and digitally enhanced. This is the latest posting on Maggie Mason sightings!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Tips from Shahid's ACSian Web Tips Blog
How to control Picasa Photo Slideshows?
[ACSians] Maggie Mason in green swimsuit picture coming!
While there, you may note that there have been some recent contributions by some of our cohorts on travel and gardening . These were added to the initial topic of Nostalgia messages. In response to comments about difficulty in logging in, there is also a section on Web tips and hints . Since there is so much to write about, we will let democracy rule, and publish hints on the most requested subjects and topics.
The blog has grown a lot since we last met, and also included is a slide show of the 2006 reunion of Sec 4 '66 cohorts . The 2008 reunion still so close in our memories will have a slide show based on the set of photos assembled in the now famous DVD put together by Patrick and with names associated with faces in pictures for you viewing convenience.
If you have the urge to write, comment or ask questions, feel free to do so in the comments section after each posting. If you would like a more permanent presence where you can give free rein to your creativity, a special blog site can be set up for you upon request. It has been found that for starters about 10 articles need to be written to make it meaningful; they can be short, but all relevant to a theme of interest to you, and preferably something that can evoke a response in others. Trying to fill an empty blog can be discouraging, and expecting others to contribute to an empty blog may require a long wait. Remember, the direction of this blog will depend on what people write or the material they contribute - and we have many experts amongst our cohorts that have world and life experience in divers areas - from medicine, to the world economy, to travel in strange and wondrous land, to comments on places to stay, visit, and eat - and this will provide an outlet for individual creativity. Photos and videos can certainly be added, and you can certainly get help in publishing the first few articles.
A copy of this message will also appear on the blog since all messages to the mailing list end up there, awaiting approval for publication.
William Meyer's Nostalgia List
[ACSians] Conference
Winnie's Travel Blog
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Choon Yong's Gardening Tips Blog September 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Kaufhaus de Westens, what?
Yo, its Yotel...
Worm Composting
Italian Plum Tomato Drying
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
What is the Mission of this Blog?
Roof Rats
Neem Oil
Monday, September 15, 2008
What is FTP?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
What is a Google Account?
What is a Blog?
Helsinki and Stockholm
Gardenia with Yellowing Leaves
Life after Gaudi in Barcelona
Botanical Gardens
Kakulas, William Street, Perth
Belem, Lisbon, Portugal
Calling Oyster Fans
Charleston, North Carolina, U.S.A.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Hotels in Italy
Watering Trees
From Winnie: Answer to Maggie whereabouts
It should be up soon! In the meantime, check out the blog for the new articles.
Friday, September 12, 2008
ACSOBA Acknowledges Donation from Class of 68
Leafcutter Bees
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Brown Spots on Apples
Getting to Machu Picchu
The Alhambra and Generalife
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Dinner in Palo Alto with Kee Chin Heng (PU Arts) on August 29, 2008
Chin Heng lives in the California Central Valley in a small town of Escalon, near Stockton (for those of us who watched "Big Valley" in the 1960s) about 1.5 hours drive from the California coast. He teaches High School. He does return home to Singapore, missing our 2008 reunion because his teaching schedule got in the way.
After the initial conversation during which everyone is updated of the lives and times of others, Chin Heng went down the list of his old girlfriends (no names but you gals know if you were on the list) and the rest of us assured him that they were as beautiful today as he remembers them. He shook his head with great regret remarking that his one great "love" at 18 would surely reject and even spit on him today. No, we assured him earnestly, she wouldn't spit on him, but certainly would reject him!
Great to see that after 35 years of not seeing each other, Winnie and Chin Heng immediately launched on the same dissing and insulting dialogue commonly spew among our class members!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 3:00 AM
Dear all
For those of you who attended the reunion dinner on National Day we thank you for doing so and earnestly hope you enjoyed yourself catching up the old times.
For those who were not able to make it we look forward to seeing you at the next reunion.
For the record we had an attendance of 50 out of 188 from the year of 1968 (26.60%) and 7 teachers. The teachers were Mr Lee Hah Ing, Mr Wan Fook Weng, Mr Earnest Lau, Mr Lim Choon Mong, Mr Wee Teow Kee, Mdm Kwan nee Seet Ngoh & Ms Yeo Chee Kai.
We were delighted that the following members of our cohort who reside overseas took the trouble specially to come to Singapore to attend the reunion dinner. They are:
1) Manjit Singh Arts A Sydney
2) Andrew Liew Arts B Qatar
3) Shahid Mujtaba ScA San Francisco
4) Lai Choon Yong Sc A San Francisco
5) Winnie Lee(nka Winnie Lewis) Sc A San Francisco
6) Arthur Cheng Wee Bin Sc C Sydney
7) Sim Lee Ling Sc C Canberra
For the record the attendance by class was as follows:-
Arts A - 5/42 - 11.9%
Arts B - 3/39 - 7.69%
Sc A - 17/36 - 47.22%
Sc B - 10/35 - 28.57%
Sc C - 15/36 - 41.67%
8 members of our cohort who signed up for the dinner did not turn up, 4 of whom have yet to make payment of their dues of $150 each. It would be good if these 4 would send their cheques to Eunice Chan as soon as possible to pass on to the OBA for The Teachers' Retirement Fund for their annual gathering next Monday evening at ACS Barker poolside.
For the record apart from the outstanding amount from these 4 persons, there was a surplus of $2500 which has been paid to the OBA for the benefit of the Teachers' Retirement Fund.
An account of same is set out below:-
Collection | $9802.55 | ||
Less: | Matthew & Mandarins | $1500.00 | |
Tanglin Club | $5522.55 | ||
Photographer | $280.00 | $7302.55 | |
Balance | $2500.00 |
Mr Lee Hah Ing, Earnest Lau and Wan Fook Weng were good enough spend some time addressing to us.
A book by Earnest Lau was also distributed to all members who were present at the dinner.
We also had lots of fun that evening with Andrew Liew, Noor Quek and Irene Hoe performing and last but not the least the virtuoso performance in ballroom dancing by Shahid who was in so much demand that ticket numbers had to be allotted to the girls queuing up to dance with him.
All Mr Wan could say about his star "nerd" pupil was that "this is what a foreign education does to you".
Till we meet again,
Au Revoir
Organising Committee:-
1) Chan,Chu Jan Eunice Sc C
2) Leong,Mun K ien Patrick Sc A
3) Liew, Andrew Arts B
4) Motiwalla,Juzar Sc A
5) Namazie,Mirza Sc C
6) Ong,Soo Lin Michael Sc A
7) Ong,Lay Chuan Patricia Sc A
8) Quek Noor fka Noorhayati bte Kassim Sc C
9) Tang Boon Teck Sc A
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Mark Your Visit!
Here is a request: Please indicate where you are visiting from, by clicking on the Comments link on this post, and put in the city, state and country from which you are visiting. You may leave a real name, a pen name, or call yourself anonymous as you wish. No login or registration is required.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Final list of attendees at 40th Reunion Tanglin Club August 9, 2008
Name | Class | Country | |
1 | Ang Lian Hua | 1a Sc | Singapore |
2 | Arthur Cheng Wee Bin | 1c Sc | Australia |
3 | Chan Chu Jan, Eunice | 1c Sc | Singapore |
4 | Chen Ming Liang, Maynard | 1b Sc | Singapore |
5 | Derrick Wong Ong Eu | 1c Sc | Singapore |
6 | Fang-Ho Ai Lian | 1b Sc | Singapore |
7 | Foo Kam Cheng | 1a Arts | Singapore |
8 | Foong Hoh Yee,Vera | 1c Sc | Singapore |
9 | Gay Sai Choo (Grace) | 1a Sc | Singapore |
10 | Geh Min | 1b Sc | Singapore |
11 | Han Him Fong (Charles) | 1a Arts | Singapore |
12 | Ho Kum Koon | 1b Sc | Singapore |
13 | Irene Hoe | 1b Sc | USA |
14 | Jen Shek Chuen, James | 1a Sc | Singapore |
15 | Koe Swee Kiok | 1b Sc | Singapore |
16 | Kwa Kie Tjiong (Dr) | 1b Sc | Singapore |
17 | Lai Choong Yong, Jim | 1a Sc | USA |
18 | Law Chwee Kiat, Winston | 1a Arts | Singapore |
19 | Lee Beng Cheong, Billy | 1a Sc | Singapore |
20 | Lee Voon Ee, Winnie | 1a Sc | USA |
21 | Leong Mun Kien Patrick | 1A Sc | Singapore |
22 | Liew Andrew | 1b Arts | Singapore |
23 | Low Kee Cheong | 1c Sc | Singapore |
24 | Michael Goh Siew Siong | 1a Arts | Singapore |
25 | Mirza Namazie | 1c Sc | Singapore |
26 | Motiwalla Juzar | 1a Sc | Singapore |
27 | Mujtaba M .Shahid | 1a Sc | USA |
28 | Ng Hwee Miang | 1a Sc | Singapore |
29 | Noorhayati Kassim | 1c Sc | Singapore |
30 | Ong Cheong Bee;Patricia Fu | 1b Arts | Singapore |
31 | Ong Lay Chuan;Patricia Thum | 1a Sc | Singapore |
32 | Ong Soo Lin;Michael | 1a Sc | Singapore |
33 | Pang Puay Koon;Dorothy Aw | 1c Sc | Singapore |
34 | Robert Wee | 1c Sc | Singapore |
35 | Seet Mary (Mdm) | 1b Sc | Singapore |
36 | Sim Lee Ling | 1c Sc | Australia |
37 | Singh Gurdip | 1c Sc | Singapore |
38 | Singh Manjit | 1a Arts | Australia |
39 | Sng Leong Soon | 1b Arts | Singapore |
40 | Sum Yee Loong | 1c Sc | Singapore |
41 | Tan Aye Neo,Evelyn | 1b Sc | Singapore |
42 | Tan May Hua, Linda | 1b Sc | Singapore |
43 | Tang Boon Teck | 1a Sc | Singapore |
44 | Tay Boon Sim,Michael | 1a Sc | Singapore |
45 | Tay Willie K. L | 1c Sc | Singapore |
46 | Tham Kok Ho | 1c Sc | Singapore |
47 | Toh Choong Fook | 1a Sc | Singapore |
48 | Toh Choong Sang | 1a Sc | Singapore |
49 | Vivekananda Kuhadas | 1c Sc | Sydney |
50 | Ying Siew Hon Francis | 1a Sc | Singapore |
Mr Lee Hah Ing
Mr Wan Fook Weng
Mr Ernest Lau
Ms Yeo Chee Kai
Ms Seet Ngoh
Mr Lim Choon Mong
Mr Wee Kay Teow
How to get more from photos or slide shows
Clicking on the thumbnails of photos may get you to a larger version of the photo. Clicking on a slide show will get you to the Picasaweb page with the slide show, where you can view each individual photo full size, and also add captions and comments for each photo.
Memories '68 Slide Show
Recreated from the continous slide show running during the 40th Reunion at Tanglin Club, for your continuing nostalgia.
Created by Patrick Leong.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
How to Handle Video & Photo Album Errors
For Videos:
If you are not seeing a thumbnail with a "play" button it, it means that your computer does not support the Windows Media Player that the video needs. In that case, you need your friendly local IT expert to give some advice on how to fix it.
If the video plays choppily, it most likely means that your internet connection is too slow, and you can view it better on a faster internet connection.
For Photos:
If you are not seeing a photo thumbnail, or the album changing pages periodically, it means that Macromedia Flash player is not available on your machine.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
How To Caption & Comment on slide shows
Sighting of Kee Chin Heng
Friday, August 22, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Re: [ACSians] Where is Maggie Mason...
Well done Winnie!
Now we wait! (wonder what it would be like when Maggie does respond!)
Cheers all and good weekend
Friday, August 15, 2008
[ACSians] Where is Maggie Mason...
Hi: all these amateurish efforts looking for Maggie.... Yesterday, I contacted the guy associated with the Singapore alumni branch of McGill University and he forwarded my requested to McGill University Alumni Association who responded and also forwarded my request to Maggie.
Now, we wait. A brief thank you to all of you for that Singapore hospitality, AND especially our friend from Daikin AC. I counted more than 20 Daikin units at my brother's home and he says they all work perfectly! Kept me very comfortable.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
[ACSians] Re: And here's to the next magical sighting of Maggie Mason
Glad to hear your comparative appraisals of the Reunions, and your finding of ACS Class of 68 Reunion being the most fun.
Thanks for the narrative about the meeting between Maggie and Irene in the best Hindi movie tradition in Montreal in 1971.
For enquiring minds who are asking "Where's Maggie Mason" and anxious to find out,
these clues together with the suggestions from Irene can may help in the search. More "magical sighting" reports are definitely welcome and will be published when reported.
And here's to the next magical [MAGGIECAL] sighting of Maggie Mason
Subject: And here's to the next magical sighting of Maggie Mason
Dear friends,
Since I got home from a long trip at midnight last Friday, it's been one reunion after another, starting with lunch and dinner to mark Eusoff College 50th anniversary and ending Tuesday when I gathered my sister Mary's closest pals together to celebrate her birthday.
Every party was special in its own way, but without a doubt, the ACS Class of 68 gathering was the most fun I've had this year with clothes on.
Thank you Mirza & Co, for all the spade work, and Chui Fong, for feeding us and letting us mess up your home. And Elvis the Pelvis Liew for insisting that I still belong to the 68ers.
My only regret is that I could not produce the elusive Maggie Mason.
The last time I saw MM was in the summer of 1971 when I was in Montreal. From across a busy street, I spotted her and shouted: "Maggie Mason!!!!" And she responded "Irene!!!! Is that really you!!!" (You can tell we weren't strong on originality).
Then in the best Hindi movie tradition, we ran towards each other and embraced, on a traffic island with traffic rushing by on either side of us. Our hugfest was as intense as it was brief.
When I Googled "Maggie Mason", I found a marathoner by that name, of the right age, from Santa Barbara. Shahid, maybe you could check out "Mason, M" in the online directories, or look for her brother Peter. Or check out the McGill University alumni website if you know any alumnus.
The Quest goes on.
Looking forward to the next reunion,
Monday, August 11, 2008
Thank you notes
To the organizers of this gathering: A big THANK YOU.
Seeing shahid dancing was something that was beyond my imagination. For 40 years many of us have gone out to look for that pot of gold and found it. I am not so sure if that is what life is all about. I am told that some of our cohorts were reluctant to come because they felt that they have yet to find theirs. This is terrible, to think that we would be wasting our time gathering to compare numbers!
In the final analysis of the book Forty Years On, Erny has given us some good advice on life. In my own words I think it has to do with 2 words- success vs significance. Success is to add value to yourself while significance is to add value to others through serving others. In the next 20-30 years I hope we will be significant and not be measured by the so called success in $$$.
We may not be around for the 50th anniversary but as Lee Hah Ing puts it , in the meanwhile count your blessings. Time is ticking away towards that appointment everyone must keep. The greatest blessing that one can have and which I believe Hah Ing very much desires for us is to know our Maker before we meet Him face to face.
To God be the glory.
Kum Koon
Sent 8/10/08 10:41 PM PDT = 8/11/08 7:41 AM SGT