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Monday, August 4, 2008

Attendance data as of 3:45 pm

Teachers expected to attend :

1) Mr Lee Hah Ing (who is now 94 years old and will be addressing us for about 5minutes)
2) Mr Wan Fook Weng ( who will speak for 2 minutes)
3) Mr Lim Choon Mong
4) Mr Earnest Lau
5) Mr Lenn Wei Ling
6) Mr Wee Teow Kee
7) Mdm Kwan nee Seet Ngoh
8) Ms Yeo Chee Kai

Current list of attendees as of 3:45pm
1) Ang Lian Hua
2) Chan Chu Jan Eunice
3) Chan Kwai Choon David
4) Chen Ming Liang, Maynard
5) Cheng Wee Bin, Arthur
6) Chia Larry
7) D' Silva Edward
8) Foo Kam Cheng
9) Foong Hoh Yee, Vera
10) Geh Min
11) Goh Siew Song, Michael
12) Han Him Fong, Charles
13) Ho Ai Lian
14) Ho Kum Koon
15) Hoe Irene
16) Jen Shek Chuen, James
17) Koe Swee Kiok
18) Kwa Kie Tjiong
19) Kwan Wai Meng, Robert
20) Lai Choon Yong, Jim
21) Law Chwee Kiat, Winston
22) Lee Beng Cheng, Billy
23) Lee Voon Ee, Winnie
24) Leong Mun Kien, Patrick
25) Liew Andrew
26) Low Kee Cheong
27) Noorhayati bte Mohd Kassim
28) Motiwalla Juzar
29) Mujtaba M Shahid
30) Mirza Namazie
31) Ng Guan Soon
32) Ng Hwee Miang
33) Ong Cheong Bee
34) Ong Lay Chuan, Patricia
35) Ong Soo Lin, Michael
36) Pang Puay Koon, Dorothy
37) Seet Mary
38) Sim Lee Ling
39) Singh Gurip
40) Singh Manjit
41) Singh Ragbir
42) Sng Leong Soon
43) Tan Aye Neo, Evelyn
44) Tan May Hua, Linda
45) Tan Oen Tsu, Daniel
46) Tan Poey Gee Peggy
47) Tang Boon Teck
48) Tay Boon Sim
49) Tay Kwang Lip, Willie
50) Tham Kok Hoe
51) Toh Choong Fook
52) Toh Choong San
53) Vivekananda Kuhadas
54) Wong Ong Eu, Derrick
55) Ying Siew Hon, Francis
56) Sum Yee Loong
57) Wee Joo Guan, Robert

Program and Dinner Menu

Click on images below to get a large printable version.

Current Attendance List

The current is an incomplete list of cohorts who have indicated if they are attending the 40th reunion, or have not been able to be contacted.
It may provide guidance on whether to attend, and to reach out to those whose names are not on the list

NameClassCurrently inAttending?
Ang Lian Hua1a ScSporeAttending
Arthur Cheng Wee BinAustraliaAttending
Chan Chu Jan, Eunice1c ScSporeAttending
Chan Fook Kay1a ArtsRegrets
Chan Kwai Choon
Chen Ming Liang ,MaynardSporeAttending
Chew, Fiona1c ScRegrets
Chong Kim hong Dunno
Chou Oon Kee1b ScRegrets
Chye KiatRegrets
Daniel Tan Oen Tsu SporeAttending
Derrick Wong Ong Eu SporeAttending
D'Silva EdwardSporeAttending
Eric Nagano Regrets
Fang-Ho Ai Lian, 1b ScSporeAttending
Fong Chong Too1b ScDunno
Foo Kam ChengSporeAttending
Foong Hoh Yee,Vera 1c ScSporeAttending
Geh Min, 1b ScSporeAttending
Gn Hiang ChiangRegrets
Han Him Fong (Charles)SporeAttending
Ho Kum Koon SporeAttending
Irene HoeUSAAttending
Jen Shek Chuen, JamesSporeAttending
Joshua ChooRegrets
Koe Swee KiokAttending
Krisha Kumari
Kuok Suon KwongEnglandAttending
Kwa Kie Tjiong (Dr)SporeAttending
Kwan Wai Meng, RobertSporeAttending
Lai Choong Yong, Jim -
Larry Chia1a ArtsSporeAttending
Lau Wan KeongDunno
Law Chwee KiatSporeAttending
Lee Beng Cheong, BillySporeAttending
Lee Voon Ee, Winnie USAAttending
Leong Mun Kien
1A ScSporeAttending
Letty GawMalaysiaRegrets
Liao Yin Yin Kat1b ScRegrets
Liew Andrew SporeAttending
Liew Inn Shean1b ArtsDunno
Lionel Tan.Regrets
Low Kee CheongSporeAttending
Low Poh SimRegrets
Lynn OngRegrets
Mark Kan Shik Chee Regrets
Melvyn TayRegrets
Michael Goh SporeAttending
Mirza NamazieSporeAttending
Motiwalla JuzarSporeAttending
Mujtaba M .Shahid USAAttending
Ng Guan Soon SporeAttending
Ng Hwee MiangSporeAttending
Noorhayati Kassim1c ScSporeAttending
Nora Tay1a ScRegrets
Ong Cheong Bee;Patricia
Ong Lay Chuan;Patricia
Ong Soo Lin;MichaelSporeAttending
Pang Puay Koon;Dorothy
1c ScSporeAttending
Ragbir Singh SporeAttending
Rose VRegrets
Sam AlfredsRegrets
Seet Mary (Mdm)SporeAttending
Sim Lee LingAustraliaAttending
Singh GurdipSporeAttending
Singh Manjit AustraliaAttending
Sng Leong Soon - SporeSporeAttending
Sylvia QuekRegrets
Tan Aye Neo,Evelyn , 1b
Tan Chor Kiang1b ScDunno
Tan May Hua, LindaAttending
Tan Poey Gee Peggy1B ArtsSporeAttending
Tang Boon TeckSporeAttending
Tay Boon Sim,MichaelSporeAttending
Tay Willie K. L1c ScSporeAttending
Tham Kok HoSporeAttending
Tham Seng Hoi Dunno
Toh Choong FookSporeAttending
Toh Choong Sang SporeAttending
Vivekananda KuhadasSydneyAttending
Wan Lye TinRegrets
William MeyerUKRegrets
Wong-Lee Yoke Teng1b ArtsRegrets
Yeo Seow PhongRegrets
Ying Siew Hon FrancisSporeAttending
Yong Mee Lian1b ArtsDunno

queuing mee and "ping miok" ...

· queuing for a plate of mee and a carton of "ping miok" (strawberry milk) at the ACS canteen
· taking a bum boat to one of the islands for a picnic at the weekend, loaded down with buckets, spades, snacks, drinks cooler and so on
· standing at the boundary fence of the Singapore Swimming Club on Tanjong Rhu Road, and remembering that the sea used to be just the other side, and was now half a mile away
· hearing the fertilizer truck coming up the road, the crew shouting "cow dung, cow dung ho!"
· turning on the garden hose on a hot day and soaking everyone
· seeing who could eat the most chicken satay and kutupat at one sitting
· peeling the layers of a kuih lapis and eating them one by one (see:
· making fun of the local sikh jaga's tonchet (turban), then running away while he followed, cursing and waving his stick
· watching the murthaba man preparing the flour and oil, salivating with anticipation
· going out into the garden at night with a torch, then catching all the toads that you could find
· watching your classmates set their fighting ants and beetles at each other
· watching TV in black and white
· going to the wayang
· watching the kavadi carriers during Thaipusam, and wondering why they weren't screaming with pain (see:
· playing chatek during breaks from lessons
· picking rambutans from the trees, and then getting all the ants out of your hair, ears, eyes, nose and clothes
· running across the Padang in the heat of the day to the shade of the trees on the other side
· climbing all over the construction sites, playing at soldiers, then scrounging cigs off the workers
· watching in awe as the black and white ahmah ate her lunch of raw chilies
· throwing stones at the coconuts up the tree, trying to knock one down
· wading home down Bukit Timah in chest-high water, after the longkangs overflowed
· sitting on the first floor of the house after a monsoon downpour, watching the fish swimming around the furniture downstairs
· watching the fighting kites over the kampongs in the late afternoon, battling it out like some world war one dogfight
· smelling the inside of the car after you'd left a durian in the sun on the back seat
· queueing outside the Cathay cinema to see 2001: A Space Odessey when it was first released
· burying your face up to the ears in a slice of chilled watermelon
· going to the hawkers' stalls in the car park opposite Cold Storage in the evenings
· searching through the heaps of red fire-cracker paper during Chinese New Year to find those that had not exploded
· blowing up ants' nests with left-over firecrackers
· standing to attention outside class before lessons, while a scratchy recording of the national anthem was played over the PA system, and someone hauled the flag up the pole
· and for all you nostalgics, go to: and turn on the sound